Thursday, January 14, 2010

What I Believe / How I Think

Disclaimer: My beliefs (and myself, really) are still under the microscope. I'm still trying to figure out who exactly I am and what I believe. The below beliefs are subject to change as I come to understand myself better and better.

1. One can go from saved to unsaved, simply by a choice. If grace is a gift, one can not only accept (or refuse) it at the first offer, but one can also return (or accept) it later. Think Wal-Mart gift return.

2. God exists, but is either uncaring, cold, impersonal, and distant, or is cruel, unforgiving, and punishing. To a fault.

3. While I am highly accepting, to a point of apathy, of most (if not all) other religions, I do not believe in any of them.

4. I agree with the deist view that all of the different holy books are man-made and should be treated as such. Yes, many/most/all of them are/could be true and historically accurate, but they are still man-made. Any claims to true spirituality are considered false until proven beyond any doubt to be true.

5. I view all religions to be very selective and discriminatory. Everyone believes that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Thus, I don't trust any of them. (See #3)

6. If there are sins to be considered, judgment is one of the biggest. It shows a complete lack of love and/or acceptance of the judgee as a person. You may disagree with their beliefs all you want, but judging them is NOT acceptable. Everyone wants to be loved and/or accepted. There is no sense in depriving them of this just because their god has a different name.**

Judgment = Religious Discrimination = BAD

**This is the point where my church sinks to a very low and disgusting place in my eyes. They have an entire congregation of die-hard "sinners". AKA, they all jump for the chance to judge others.

This is a basic summary of what I believe. I am willing to discuss any point further with anyone. If you have any questions regarding any of these points or regarding any other points that may have been overlooked, please feel free to ask. I'm still working on understanding what I believe. Any questions or serious discussions can only help me to understand myself more.

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